For almost a decade we made learning branding and marketing easy for our clients. Now we are making it easy for you. We have created a series of courses that will make you a branding and marketing expert in your industry. Design with confidence for your customers brand.
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Jack Balmer
Jacks dress
It was essential for us that our business logo should be a well-thought-out logo by our identity and strategy. At the same time, we wanted it to reach us in the shortest possible time. WBM did this for us professionally and quickly, and accurately.
Suzanne Chriscome
Although we have many years of experience in the market, the information that WBM provided us with regarding brand research was beneficial for us. Because by doing branding and a clear identity, our brand communication was integrated, and we did the right content and advertising. So we have a high awareness in the market now.
Amir Sayyad
Oil Industry
The quality of service we found is unbelievable for the price we paid. We had easy access to a group of specialists who carried out our project at a very economical cost. This was extremely valuable for us, who had just started our business.
Common queries you want us to answer about our branding services.
What is a Brand?
When we hear the word "brand", most of us think of logos, slogans, and other identifiable marks. But that's just one part of the definition. The term brand is an intangible marketing concept that helps people recognize and identify a business or person. You can consider a brand as the idea or image people have in mind when thinking about specific products, services, and activities of a company.
What is branding?
Branding is the process of creating a distinct identity for a business in the mind of your target audience and consumers. At the most basic level, branding is made up of a company's logo, visual design, mission, and tone of voice. But your brand identity is also determined by the quality of your products, customer service, and even how you price your products or services.
Why do we need Branding?
Brands are one of the most important and valuable assets that a company or person owns. Successful branding can help the company attract and retain a customer base, which can lead to brand loyalty while giving it a leg up on the competition.
How long does the branding process take?
It depends on your business and the services you want We will review your business for free in one meeting, then we will send you a proposal including the timing of the steps and costs with full details.
Why we should choose WBM for Branding?
For branding, you can work with influencers, local agencies, artificial intelligence robots, and WBM. Each has advantages and disadvantages that you can see in the comparison table. In the meantime, WBM is an online branding agency that provides online 24/7 services and provides you with a dedicated panel to monitor the branding process for better management. WBM has the capabilities of a branding agency but at a more reasonable price for medium and small-size businesses.